Time to drink champagne


Nomination for the German Design Award 2016.

Wonderful news, a real champagne moment: Our silk bow Yves is nominated for the German Design Award 2016 in the category ‘Excellent Product Design’. 


And then off all the only man among us, but what would he be without us women?


When we are honest, wearing bows were placed in the cradle for us women. Passed down through generations, from grandmother to mother to daughter. With a bow many of us was first identified as girls.


Men took the bow over at some point in time and wore it on special occasions like weddings and other lavish festivities, which brings us back to the topic: The bow remains one of the most beautiful accessories, especially for us women.


Yves is the bow to perfection. With its soft silk he flatters us like a true gentleman and makes every outfit very special.


He has many talents, and makes us look fantastic, when we wear him with silk blouses. He encourages to be opened, when he is closing a dress to the back. He makes every t-shirt an extravagant favorite. And Yves makes all the difference on your most loved bag.


A bow is for special occasions. But it would be a pity to save it only for that. The bow should much rather be exploited to make every occasion special.


And today? Today we tie Yves around a bottle of Champagne – exactly where he belongs. Yves, we are proud of you, you deserve to be celebrated.

