Michaela Schlüter


Business woman, model and mother of two.


This month we met for an interview with Michaela Schlüter. The 48 year old business woman, model and mother of two children spoke with us about her

favorite 7 Chic Avenue top, styling advice and more!


1. Why is this top your favorite from 7 Chic Avenue?

.. My favourite Top is the silk T-Shirt. It is perfect for both business and leisure outfits and the high quality silk makes it very special.


2. When do you wear it?

.. At work but also privately. My business look requires a more stern appearance, which is perfect with a basic piece that can easily be combined  and is high-quality. However one or two accessories that are unexpected are always allowed. In my free time I combine ‘classy pieces’ like this great T-Shirt with casual jeans. For partys I may even combine it with extravagant hot pants, a mini skirt or leggings.


3. What is your favourite accessory?

.. Definitely Sunglasses!


4. What is your most important piece of make-up?

.. Lipstick and preferably in bold colors.


5. What is most important to you, when you decide what to wear? / When you choose an outfit?

.. Of course I want  to make a good impression with my look and  my appearance needs to fit the occasion, but it should also be fun and have that special something.

6. What is your favourite item in your wardrobe?

.. My Belstaff leather coat. I just love it more than anything!


7. Your biggest fashion mistake?

.. Broad shoulders in the 80’s. Even though it was super-trendy and everyone wore it…


8. What is the first thing you check, when you look in a mirror?

.. Do I like myself?


9. What is your best styling advice?

.. You should try new things and also play with the different possibilities.


10. What top are you missing in your wardrobe?

.. A stunning robe by Yves Saint Laurent.



Photo by Martina van Kann

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